Industry News

8K "Chinese Red"! CCTV's Olympic broadcasting team shines in Paris


"China Red" shines in Paris!

In the early morning of July 16, local time, led by an 8K ultra-high-definition broadcast vehicle with a "Beijing C" license plate, six CCTV "China Red" Olympic broadcast and reporting vehicles set out from the north of Paris, passing through Paris landmarks such as the Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower, causing local people to cheer and admire.

From Beijing to Paris

A historic "same frame"

In the morning light of Paris, the gorgeous "China Red" convoy slowly drove through the Grande Armée Avenue, passed the Arc de Triomphe with the Paralympic logo and the famous Champs Elysees, and drove along the Seine River through the Amaale Bridge. When the bright and eye-catching CCTV "China Red" 8K broadcast vehicle met the Eiffel Tower, CCTV's Olympic reporting logo and the Olympic five-ring logo completed a historic "same frame".

Paris citizens who witnessed the style of the "China Red" convoy stopped and recorded this unique scene with their mobile phones. Chinese students studying in France were particularly excited and said, "This is the pride of the Chinese people and the empathy of overseas Chinese."

Self-developed by CCTV

For the first time, it provides the global audience with 8K public signals for the Summer Olympics

On the morning of the 16th local time, CCTV's "China Red" 8K broadcast vehicle arrived at the Stade de France and completed the handover with the Olympic Broadcasting Company (OBS). "China Red" will produce 8K international public signals for the track and field competitions and closing ceremony of the Paris Olympics here. This will be the first time in the history of the Summer Olympics that 8K ultra-high-definition public signal production will be provided. China Media Group is the international media that has won the most bids for the Paris Olympic Games broadcasting projects. The 8K ultra-high-definition editing and broadcasting technology owned by China Media Group is independently developed in my country.

The "China Red" equipment vehicle was delivered to CCTV's Olympic reporting studio near the Eiffel Tower. So far, all the Olympic broadcasting and reporting equipment and materials transported to Paris by sea, land and air have arrived in Paris and have been put into use. CCTV's Olympic reporting studio and the three integrated media studios set up in the International Broadcast Center of the Paris Olympic Games have entered the final stage of technical construction. CCTV's Olympic broadcasting and reporting front-end ultra-high-definition live broadcast technology system is expected to be completed on July 20, and the front-end and rear-end system joint debugging and program drills will begin.

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